Links: Shame storms (be shameless), Agatha Christie, paganism?, Houellebecq, and more!

* “Shame Storm;” I’m surprised so many people want to enroll in the “impeccably correct [liberal] opinions” faction.

* What’s going on with protein folding? Why is Google kicking the academic folding community’s ass? Have I wasted a lot of cycles supporting folding@home? I’ve thought about writing a long, reported nonfiction piece about what’s really going on, and what’s really gone on, with folding@home, a very interesting project that doesn’t get the press it once did, but I have no venue for it.

* The Case Against Agatha Christie, an excellent piece.

* Why are construction costs rising?

* The return of Paganism? Better than the title implies.

* “The internet war on sex is here.” Sort of. We all choose. Many of us choose, and then repudiate our choice, and then we choose again the next day, but the repudiation phase occupies more time.

* “World’s first fully electric bus fleet quietens Chinese megacity.” It is worth asking why almost all American cities are behind on this metric.

* Michel Houellebecq, contrarian: “Donald Trump is a Good President.”

* American Entrepreneurs Who Flocked to China Are Heading Home, Disillusioned.

* The Planet Has Seen Sudden Warming Before. It Wiped Out Almost Everything. The book The Ends of the World is highly recommended on this topic.

* Chinese billionaire Jack Ma correctly observes that the US wasted trillions on warfare instead of investing in infrastructure.

* “Academics Should Not Be Activists,” seems obvious and yet here we are.

* Europe Is Dying?

* American is experiencing a crisis of meaning? Not for people working at Tesla or SpaceX!

* “I Have Seen the Future of a Republican Party That Is No Longer Insane.”

* Nashville’s Star Rises as Midsize Cities Break Into Winners and Losers.

* In defense of hate. Agreed. But we need more intelligent hate, as opposed to the kind on Twitter.

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