Links: A new CA city, the 2012 turning point, prolonged grief, and more!

* How awesome would a built-from-scratch city in the Bay Area be? Intensely walkable and bikeable and designed to feel like Paris or the West Village. Sign me up!

* “Is Ukrainian Victory Closer Than You Might Think?” Argues that Ukraine only has to get close enough for its weapons to reach east-west Russian rail and road supply lines for Ukraine to squeeze out Russian troops to the west.

* 2012 as a major turning point in the world. It’s like 1973.

* Antonio García Martínez (AGM) visits Israel and covers the Israeli protests. Much I disagree with but very interesting.

* On Buck Mason t-shirts, some of which are made in the U.S. I looked at them; for that price, I’d rather do something like Wool and Prince, since those have the advantage of smell resistance. Both companies should make slim-cut shirts.

* “How to ease the seemingly endless pain of prolonged grief.” Hard to read at times and yet highly relevant to present circumstances. :(

* Dating Roundup: This Is Why You’re Still Single. Step one is trying. The people who fail overwhelmingly don’t try. The default path may now be bad, but the path for people who try, and who develop resilience, may be very good.

* The fall of the college wage premium. Matches my anecdotal experiences and observations regarding the marginal college student.

* “Home insurers cut natural disasters from policies as climate risks grow.”

* “You’ve got a friend in me:” an emergency room story.

* “Our climate change debates are out of date.” On the growth of solar, wind, and batteries, and their tremendous fall in price. But, at the same time: “Earth had hottest three-month period on record, with unprecedented sea surface temperatures and much extreme weather.”