Links: Some cancer things, but also some other things

* “Slow, Costly Clinical Trials Drag Down Biomedical Breakthroughs.” This is particularly relevant to me right now because the breakthroughs I need to survive are on the horizon but not here yet.

* On the absurd cancer drug shortage, and the fragile supply chains enabling it.

* How Woke Led to Cultural Decadence. Maybe. But trends bring counter-trends too, right?

* Heat pumps are important.

* What It Will Take to Deter China in the Taiwan Strait.

* Is a Revolution in Cancer Treatment Within Reach? First 80% of the article is great, and the last 20% is terrible.

* “Castration, gang-rape, forced nudity: How Russia’s soldiers terrorise Ukraine with sexual violence.” The level of ignorance and folly that comes from the “Why are we support Ukraine?” crowd is borderline unbelievable, but then one remembers that they’re suffering from partisanship brain.

* Interview with China specialist Dan Wang.

* The Princess Bride at 50. The book is more than a little curious, and an artifact of its time.

* Suddenly, it looks like we’re in a golden age for medicine.

* The year I tried to teach myself math.

* “From the Hoover Dam to the Second Avenue subway, America builds slower.” And that is bad. Speed is good.

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