Links: On Chesil Beach, the nature of teaching, the nature of progress, the lack of progress in the humanities, and more!

* “Karley Sciortino: the sex blogger and Slutever presenter redefining sexuality.” My read of the book here.

* “Steven Marcus, Columbia Scholar and Literary Critic, Dies at 89.”

* “Student-Led Classrooms Waste Teacher Skill.” And learning styles seem to be a myth and “direct instruction” is effective.

* “Equality Is a Mediocre Goal. Aim for Progress.” It’s also striking to me how often “inequality” refers to a single metric, when many others also matter.

* “The Redistribution of Sex,” from Ross Douthat, and one of (many) pieces that show the weakness of the Twitter model: there just aren’t enough characters for nuance and development. Which is an old criticism but still true.

* “A Dying Scientist and His Rogue Vaccine Trial.” Cool.

* “The Commodification of Learning and the Decline of the Humanities.” This is congruent with my experience but I also have to ask, awkwardly: Where’s the evidence??

* 50 Pulp Cover Treatments of Classic Books.

* “New York City Street Parking Is Preposterously Corrupt.” Parking in general is crazy: everyone ought to read the high cost of free parking.

* An interesting comment on The Case Against Education.

* The Passion of Jordan Peterson.

* 24,000 Liters of Wine in the Hold: 40 Years of Globalization.”

* The Hyperfragmentation of Retail and Why the Biggest Winners are Digital Ad Platforms. I think of companies like Outlier, which solve specific problems (in this case bike pants) that others don’t or can’t or don’t notice.

* “Sweetgreen Has a Damage-Control Plan for Its New Salads.” Another new (ish?) company that’s underrated.

* “The First Porn President,” which is better than the usual but still about half is incorrect or at least not my view.

* From the NYT, “‘Who Gets to Be Sexy?’ Technology has made it possible for just about anyone to shoot, direct and star in their own porn films. Women are leading the new guard.” Well, it is the NYT, but also the Sunday Styles section.

* Are kids the enemy of writing? Probably not.

* Ian McEwan on On Chesil Beach, the movie version, but most interesting may be this, about his son finding one of McEwan’s books in the school curriculum: “Compelled to read his dad’s book – imagine. Poor guy . . . I confess I did give him a tutorial and told him what he should consider. I didn’t read his essay but it turned out his teacher disagreed fundamentally with what he said. I think he ended up with a C+.”

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